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Healing & Empowerment Hub Membership 

a Powerful Healing Community on Facebook

Trigger First Aid & Resiliency Course

  • 16 Steps


The trigger comes out of nowhere and you’re stuck in this horrible tornado - your body is experiencing all the usual stress symptoms - and your breathing goes shallow and heart is racing. You feel like you will forever fall victim to these random attacks. You begin to lose hope that you’ll ever be free from all this. THIS IS NOT HOW LIFE IS SUPPOSED TO BE ……. You know it, you feel it, but you don’t know how to gain control back …. You miss feelings of peace and safety. Your body is beginning to experience stress symptoms and you feel your health decreasing with all that cortisol racing through your system. Deep inside you know this is not sustainable Join me for a specific step by step process on how to get out of fight/flight/freeze faster and safer. This Presentation includes: *What to do when you are being triggered in order to gain clarity and physiological equilibrium as quickly as possible. * build emotional resiliency * strengthen your emotional operating system * demystify the trigger and your response * the benefits of Triggers * how to process emotions and feelings in a healthy and safe way * also includes two guided meditations hosted by Jewelle Zehr, Trauma Recovery & Transformation Coach

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app







Facilitating Inspired
Healing & Transformation
after Trauma and Abuse


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