The Full Story
Heal & Rebuild Your Life after Trauma
Hi! And welcome to the Art of Onward
My name is Jewelle, I am here to help you
Heal and Rebuild your Life after Trauma.
I am a Trauma Survivor myself, having battled with Betrayal Trauma, Narcissist Abuse, and that slow, painful loss of my Self, watching my life disintegrate as I tried to regain my me, my future
(while just hardly being able to breathe) and have won.
I now guide my clients to healing from their trauma and rebuilding their life
using the exact strategies that saved my own life.
Jewelle is a Trauma Recovery & Transformation
Cert. Life Coach, Cert. RIM® Facilitator

My Soul Purpose is to bring Healing,
renewed Hope,
and Faith returned.
I believe
True Healing happens from the Inside Out,
and lasts a Lifetime.
I believe every person has the right to heal from the pain they’ve experienced and the trauma this has caused to their nervous system, the sneaky beliefs in their subconscious and the “upside down inside out life” that often results from emotional and/or physical abuse.
Repeat these messages to yourself daily:
May I feel happy and peaceful
May I feel safe and protected
May I feel healthy and strong
May I live life with ease
These are my wishes for each person suffering from CPTSD right now. If it’s betrayal trauma, narcissist abuse, depression, anxiety, or even the wish to end your life - please do not give up.
There is hope.
You can receive these wishes into your reality.

How to know when
you're ready to get help
Are you ready to make your Healing an Intentional Priority Today?
Are you willing to get outside your comfort zone?
Are you willing to be coached?
If you answered to YES to all 3 of these questions, let's hop on 10 minute call to get a little more clarity about where you're at now, what's not working in your life, and see if we are a good fit to get you to your next chapter.
I'm looking forward to talking with you soon!
~ Jewelle
click below to schedule a call with Jewelle
A little more about Jewelle

Jewelle is an award winning actress, film and television producer, published author of both fiction and non, and has always been aware of her purpose to bring light and heightened awareness to the world through the power of story.
Jewelle’s world changed dramatically in the summer of 2015, the trauma causing her to require emergency surgery later that year, after which she nearly died in post op.
At this point, Jewelle’s focus evolved to include her own story of recovery to inspire others in their journeys to true healing and wholeness.
To further enable this process, she received her life coach certification and became trained in RIM®.
She has written numerous articles on PTSD and Wholeness for magazines and books, alongside her inspirational recovery support blog. Jewelle provides daily support and mindset coaching in her facebook group, Rebuild Your Life after Trauma, to further inspire and motivate members on their healing journeys.