Your True Value
Hi and welcome back to the Art of Onward!!Ā
As I shared last week, I am currently doing my best to recover form a severe concussion as a result of being rear ended in my car 7 weeks ago now.Ā
Concussions are rough!
The first few weeks, I was rendered useless. Then I committed to some low key things I thought for sure I could handle.Ā
And just last week, I was forced by renewed illness and nausea, to step away from it all.Ā
Wow that's difficult! So many things I hoped to have accomplished by now, and such strong desire to move forward with myĀ progression toward my dreams.Ā
And that awful feeling - non productivity.Ā
my value is steeped only in what I can deliver. What if I am only as valuable as the output, the tangible deliverables? Ā Then an injury like this forces me to press PAUSE on it all.
What then? I have no value until my brain is fully healed?Ā
This has been on my heart to share with all of you.
YOUR UNIQUE VALUE is not what you can do, what you can deliver, what you can create. It is not what you look like or who your friends are. It is not your bank account, it is not your postal code, job or what car you drive.Ā
It isn't what you've conquered, or how resilient you are. (Wow, that's a big one, right?)Ā
Your VALUE is YOU. Read that again. Your Value is YOU. Your birth, your very existence is your gift, one you can not earn, one that was given to you. YOU are loved by the Divine and you were born with promises for a life filled with freedom and love and the blessing of being loved.Ā
Your Value lies within you and without you - the Divine fills you and surrounds you always. This is a constant you can count on, I can count on. Ā
The very fact you breathe and your heart beats, these are gifts we can not give ourselves, they are gifts we are offered at conception.Ā
Accomplishments, goals, dreams realized, projects delivered, are reflections of what the Divine gives us every day. They are gifts we offer from our hearts, and we feel pride and joy and empowerment as a result of these offerings. BUT THEY ARE NOT OUR VALUE.Ā
I have to remind myself of this fact, especially in these past seven weeks.Ā
Has the value of my person, my soul, my heart, diminished because my brain is injured?Ā
Not at all.Ā
My friends, your value is you. In whose you are. You belong to the Divine, the ultimate love and spirit and healer. The creator who has chosen to create YOU.
You are special, you are worthy, you are beautiful, you are valuable - inherently. This is your gift.Ā
Hold your value today. Feel it, breathe it, embrace it.Ā
I hope you can find joy within at the knowledge you are loved - and valued -Ā for your you. Yes, just you.Ā