Not Easy Means Not Easy. That's All.
You CAN do it! As soon as you decide you WILL do it, you CAN do it.

7 Ways to Relieve Loneliness
So how then, do we deal with this loneliness?Â
I don't believe I have all the answers here, I'm not sure anyone does, but here are s

Our Feelings are Not Our Truth
Today, I'd like to share with you how without faith during exactly the moment I thought I'd lost it, I would not be here today, to h

Do it Your Way
That's right. Do it your way. This healing thing. Healing is as varied and personal as a snowflake. We each have our own unique needs,...

The Battle for Courage & Strength
I'm led to talk with you about why we need to be strong. Why we push ourselves minute by minute to grow, expand, take that next courageo

Guiding our Self Talk
Have you ever noticed how some words or phrases just LIFT your spirit? And others drag you down. Let's practice taking some control back

Loving Your Self
The relationship we cultivate with ourselves is the longest, and most important of all. No matter what, where, how, every evening we look ou

Love and Life in the Air Around Us
Take the breaths with me in this post, and remember, with each breath, we are healing, we are gaining strength, through the love and life th

You Are Not Alone
As I look back on those early, and dark, days, I now know I was surrounded by love, my angel was there, in his most common, invisible form,