When you're sexually abused as a Child
What it's like to live with a history of having been sexually abused as a child. What those trauma responses can look like and how to heal.

My Battle for Hope Returned
Written in Prose - My battle through betrayal trauma to regain hope after having my life shattered after over 20 years of marriage.

May I Speak Freely? (the new epidemic I see)
Are depression and anxiety the new epidemic now that the pandemic pandemonium is calming down?
Is increased selfishness to blame?

Trapped by Trauma
That terrifying feeling of being trapped.Hands tied behind your back, unable to breathe, and the weight of it sentencing you to your knees.

Crossing the Line of Fear
It's like a little 'country of you' border line. And the lines are absolutely ready to be crossed. There is more land out there.

How to Choose our Subconscious Beliefs
Remember, your words of Power - especially the ones you tell yourself.

Words Can Crush
Like pottery, our subconscious is crafted by the words we receive. And we choose their message.

Overwhelm Be Gone!
Overwhelm needs to be caught and tamed as soon as we feel its deadly approach. The results of overwhelm are lack of focus, a complete end to

The Dark Depths of Depression
You wake up. Your lids are too heavy to lift. Besides, why should you.

Safe Outside Your Safety Zone
Do one thing EVERY DAY that is outside your current comfort zone.Â
One thing.Â
Every day.Â
Begin to train your nervous system to understand