Permission for a Love Break & 6 Ways to Deepen their Impact
Hi! I JUST got off a live video in my Facebook Group, Heal and Rebuild after Trauma, where I shared a concept I've been implementing...

When you're sexually abused as a Child
What it's like to live with a history of having been sexually abused as a child. What those trauma responses can look like and how to heal.

My Battle for Hope Returned
Written in Prose - My battle through betrayal trauma to regain hope after having my life shattered after over 20 years of marriage.

5 Ways Finding Some Zen will Improve Your Physical, Mental and Emotional Health
5 Ways Finding Some Zen will give you a break from the Chaos around you and will improve your physical, mental and emotional health.

Why No Contact is not Always the Answer
A closer look at the constant advice of going no contact with your abuser. What happens when your don't have that option?

Trapped by Trauma
That terrifying feeling of being trapped.Hands tied behind your back, unable to breathe, and the weight of it sentencing you to your knees.

Calming Breath Saves You in the Moment
I do this exercise when I feel a panic attack coming on. So if you're heading out into the world that is now attempting to function at a

Drowning in PTSD
Drowning in Symptoms can take your Breath away Full Spectrum Treatment Needed With such a variation of causes to Post Traumatic Stress...

When the Rain Stops
And then, piece by tiny piece, we put together a new picture of our becoming. The image is different, that's true, but is that such a ba

Villains & Victims
I can sit and choose to focus on the villain of any given situation: someone cut me off driving, someone said something hurtful,