Trapped by Trauma
That terrifying feeling of being trapped.Hands tied behind your back, unable to breathe, and the weight of it sentencing you to your knees.

Calming Breath Saves You in the Moment
I do this exercise when I feel a panic attack coming on. So if you're heading out into the world that is now attempting to function at a

Drowning in PTSD
Drowning in Symptoms can take your Breath away Full Spectrum Treatment Needed With such a variation of causes to Post Traumatic Stress...

When the Rain Stops
And then, piece by tiny piece, we put together a new picture of our becoming. The image is different, that's true, but is that such a ba

Villains & Victims
I can sit and choose to focus on the villain of any given situation: someone cut me off driving, someone said something hurtful,

How to Choose our Subconscious Beliefs
Remember, your words of Power - especially the ones you tell yourself.

Words Can Crush
Like pottery, our subconscious is crafted by the words we receive. And we choose their message.

The Dark Depths of Depression
You wake up. Your lids are too heavy to lift. Besides, why should you.

You Are Your Most Powerful Safe Place
Healing from trauma of any kind requires a minimum base of a safe place. Physically, emotionally, spiritually. And many of us PTSD survivor

Our Feelings are Not Our Truth
Today, I'd like to share with you how without faith during exactly the moment I thought I'd lost it, I would not be here today, to h